
Laptop AC Power Adapters

It's important to use a manufacturers power adapter in order to ensure the system performs as intended and the battery charges without issue. Even though the wattage and the power tip fits does not mean that it's all going to work. And when it does work, performance may actually suffer.

Dell notebooks are even more particular after having experienced exploding batteries in the past. You need to definitely use a genuine Dell power adapter for Dell notebooks or your battery will not be allowed to charge.


For the current model Dell computers in the fields which we are supporting, this adapter will perform well as a replacement.

Dell 65-watt Slim Adapter


For older models or systems which have discrete video chipsets in them, a 90-watt adapter is likely what is needed. If you are unsure, please don't hesitate to call and we can let you know.

For all current and future models deployed, this HP travel adapter comes with 3 different power tip styles allowing you to use it with a wide array of models.

HP 65-watt Slim Adapter

All Other Systems

Please call us to help guide you for which adapter would best fit your particular model - 925-249-1226 x1


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